Broken Promises
I know I said that the next post would involve sex and strippers, but the thing is that I found out I have about 70 accrued hours of time-off that I need to use quickly or I will lose it, so I'm on vacation and it's 70 and sunny out and I feel the urge to take the dog out into the woods. So you'll have to wait. Also the story remains uninteresting and I can't think of a good way to tell it. But I'll be back at work tomorrow and I will just write it out, but it will still suck like an electrolux.
A story from you suck!?! I won't hear of this travesty!
What kind of dog do you have?
I love that you don't want to waste your off-time blogging, but work time is fine. My kinda guy.
If it involves sex and strippers I guarantee I'll find something interesting in it. Post away.
I totally agree with syd.
Enjoy your day in the sun!
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