Red wine? Is that for your heart or your pussy?
This is probably why my company doesn't pay for your drinks during our offical outings. Perhaps a smarter policy than I'd previously acknowledged.
Is it me just being picky or shouldn't I expect an actual link that I can click on rather than having to copy/paste a URL?!
What up with that?
Sorry, it said "copy shortcut" so I did.
I blame the terrorists.
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That is too funny! I was at a company Christmas party a couple of years ago when a high up boss got drunk and blurted out "All women are sluts!" Needless to say there were a couple of complaints and statements from HR waiting for him on Monday morning. He got moved to a different department.
Limpy fucked up the link
No one likes a show-off Syd. Except, of course, me.
How did you do that. I kept trying to copy and paste it every which way. I even typed in the exact link. Nothing.
The fact that I'm about two small steps away from being completely computer illiterate isn't helping any.
Oh, I cheat. I plug it into w.bloggar and let it do the coding for me.
Wrong, Limpy. I happen to adore showoffs, particularly when they display a skill that prevents me from having to copy/paste or perform other technological feats for which I'm unqualified. Syd, you rock! And that's not just the alcohol talking, either.
Thanks, Syd!
and thanks, limpy...good to know I'm not the only one who messes up like this! ;-)
I think I worked for that guy once...
thanks Syd!!!
Shit! Ain’t nobody gonna talk about red wine in these comments?
Why oh why didn't I check this at home? Now I'm at work without speakers.
I never put in links, not because I can't, just because I'm lazy.
I have a hard time watching videos like this for the same reason I can't watch "The Office." They're so close to real that I get uncomfortable just seeing them. I have enough awkward moments in my own life that I just can't handle them as entertainment. Perhaps if I had social skills...
ahhh...nice thing about being on sabbatical is I won't be invited to parties where I'll likely embarrass myself like that ;)
It was pretty fucking funny, though.
and limpy, if I know how to make a link, it oughta be easy for you.
peace out,
lil sis
I am so glad I am again unemployed.
As a freequent commenter on Syd's blog I want to let you know that
tomorrow, Sept 19 is Syd's one year blog anniversary. I'm diong a
tribute piece about her on my blog and I'm encouraging other Syd fans
to do the same.
Hopefully she won't read this tonight.
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