Go Tigers!
I have a massive headache from repeatedly smashing my head into the wall over the weekend. God I hate the Yankees right now. But not as much as I hate the A's and the National League, so Go Tigers!
Is it spring training yet?
Is it spring training yet?
Well, at least we got the Mets, right? Or is that a really bad comment to make? The Yanks will be back!!!
Baseball talk=self induced coma.
Let's just hurry up and get the goddamn season over with, it's disrupting my weekly programming.
Sorry Limpy. Sorta. OK, no I'm not. I was pulling for the Tigers the whole time. But it's nothing personal. I like you and all, I just can't like those... those... y'know, that New York team that's not the Mets. That's all, I'm done rubbing it in now. Sorta. OK, no I'm not.
Fuck the Yankees!
Fuck the A's.
Oh, yea...FUCK the Tigers too.
:) Happy MONDAY!
Go A's!!
:::::ducks quickly and runs away:::::
I'm pissed at the Yankees too, Limpster. Faggots.
Just...please God...ANYBODY but St Louis.
Sorry dude.
Has everyone met Shelli? Shelli's a Red Sox fan. You know where I'm going next week Shelli? I'm going to a concert on Landsdowne St., right behind Fenway Park. And you know what I'm not worried about? Finding a parking space.;)
Go Tigers!!!
shhhh, Shaun's an A's fan.
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