I'm Going To Hell For This
OK, so once again I screwed up the link. I do not know what I'm doing, and in fact am so computer illiterate that it's a goddamn miracle I even find my way to this blog on a semi-regular basis. You've made your point. Now just take your mouse, highlight the link, copy and paste it onto your address line, and all will be well.
OK, so once again I screwed up the link. I do not know what I'm doing, and in fact am so computer illiterate that it's a goddamn miracle I even find my way to this blog on a semi-regular basis. You've made your point. Now just take your mouse, highlight the link, copy and paste it onto your address line, and all will be well.
Even I know how to put a link in a post man. Do you need instructions? I'd try to write explain it here, but blogger would try to make it a link.
Oh and I'm sure you're going to hell, but not for that. Hilarious.
Don't mock me.
Because I know that some of you fuckers are too lazy to cut & paste: Here is a clickable link. It really is funny as shit.
Thanks Syd. Even if that is a pretty sad statement as to the inherent laziness of this audience. Seriously, you people are contributing to an epidemic in obesity.
OMG! That is hilarious. Thanks for the link Syd, because yes, I am just that lazy.
Limpy, I’ll make no comments on your computer skills. Where computers are concerned, I simply sift through the muck until happenstance creates what I want and then I wonder how it happened.
You and I are reading the same manual Nick.
I think I love you. No, I hate you. NO, that was just...
well, I didn't chew my arm off afterwards...
I'm finally able to read your blog now too!! I'm so excited!!
Pssst... Pud? Don't say you're excited around Limpy unless... y'know.... you're excited. I'm jus' sayin'.
Limpy, there is a manual? I have always operated my computer the same way I out together model airplanes as a kid: glue first and look at the instructions later.
Awwww, do I REALLY have to go to all that effort to actually CLICK on a link? Why couldn't you have simply posted it yourself? Blogging is supposed to be yet another form of easy, self-gratification. M'kay?
Well pug, I couldn't post it myself becuase I was busy with another form of self-gratification.
I did the cut and paste thing and it was worth it. *LOL*
Just type a word like "link" and hilight it and click the globe above your post. Blogger will ask you for the website you paste it in the box and click ok. It will look all funny but when you post it all you will see is a word and that is your link.
Now really, you are not THAT illiterate i know youre not. lol
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