I stole this from Steve Martin
If you click here you should get to a very funny article about 72 virgins waiting for certain people in what can't possibly be paradise.
Found in the New Yorker, which I'd like to claim I'm highbrow enough to read, but in all honesty, my Mom sent this to me. The same person responsible for "hot dog casserole" This probably explains a lot.
This might be the funniest thing Martin has done since that remake of the Pink Panther with Beyonce'. Boy, that was funny.
Funny in that last paragraph should probably be translated as "craptastic fuck-up".
Found in the New Yorker, which I'd like to claim I'm highbrow enough to read, but in all honesty, my Mom sent this to me. The same person responsible for "hot dog casserole" This probably explains a lot.
This might be the funniest thing Martin has done since that remake of the Pink Panther with Beyonce'. Boy, that was funny.
Funny in that last paragraph should probably be translated as "craptastic fuck-up".
I think I know No. 41.
I see "adult diapers" makes an appearance once again.
I'm getting a little suspicious that it's not accidental, Limpy.
Just a little suspicious....
I thought the same thing as tai when I read "adult diapers". ;-)
Also? Necrophilia is over rated. I mean...that's what I've heard. Before. Someone mentioned it.
I read that today but failed to note who wrote it. Funny shit.
And the Pink Panther just can't be remade. It's kinda like trying to remake Monty Python stuff, IMO.
Pink Panther...Beyonce...
Should have been a hit. ;)
Jmeped, no, you really don't.
JDR, can't argue that.
Maggie, I thought YOU were 41.
Tai and BP, yeah, I noticed that right away too. And Tai, you can just keep your nasty little hobbies to yourself.
Syd, yeah, you would think they'd have the sense to leave well enough alone. But no.
Etain, woohoowoohoo back atcha
Steve, with ingredients like that, wjo knew it would be such a miserable flop? Besides everyone.
I came here hoping for an Anna Nicole post. . .
Okay, this one was good too.
Funny you should say that...
The thing is, Steve Martin is actually one hell of a funny guy. I can't figure why he does stuff like the P.P. remake. The virgin schtick is pretty funny. But he forgot the one, "WOW! You look just like your dad!!"
Eclectic, you should either write for the New Yorker or replace Steve's agent.
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