Wednesday, April 25, 2007

This One For Syd Will Stay Up Longer Than 5 Minutes

This one's for Syd

Well, the rest of you can look too. 20 hottest female athletes. According to some guy I don't know. And I don't really agree with #2. I can't argue with the body, but the face scares me. Anyway, enjoy. Feel free to post your own options. And if anyone wants to post the top 20 hottest male athletes, (like Eclectic), feel free to go ahead and do so, just don't use my picture without permission.

What, poker's a sport right?


Blogger Lil Bit said...

HA! - I don't even know 1/2 those chicks, yikes.
But a softball babe made the list! Woohoo! lol
and... Go Danica!

eeps, #2 freaked me out a bit, too. Arrghh! scary.

10:17 AM  
Blogger Syd said...

I wrote a little something about Amanda (#2) last year. Scary indeed.

Limpy, if table tennis is a sport, then poker counts too.

I would have put Natalie Gulbis higher than that, but it's still a damn doable, I mean NICE list.

Thank you, my man.

11:45 AM  
Blogger zuhn said...

Not that I'm complaining, but why do all these athletes have pin-up shots?

12:17 PM  
Blogger mute said...

Danica, yes indeedy. I think the rest of them are too tall for me. Yeah, dammit, that's right, I like short brunettes that drive fast....or something like that.

12:27 PM  
Blogger eclectic said...

Wait a minute... I'm gone for less than a day and now suddenly I'm a top 20 hottest male athlete?? Wow. My husband's going to be very surprised.

1:41 PM  
Blogger SassyFemme said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

1:54 PM  
Blogger SassyFemme said...

I can't believe they left out Lauren Jackson, WNBA player.

1:55 PM  
Blogger Lady K said...

I got all excited when I saw the name "Syd." As in Syd Barrett. Pink Floyd. God, I should just smoke another one, huh? haha

Congrats, Syd!

10:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Damn! This dial-up connection is too slow for the graphics to load. I'll be so glad when I get my hands on my pension check and I can get back to DSL.

5:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poker is definitely a sport!


5:49 AM  
Blogger limpy99 said...

LilBit, and Danica seems to be sporting a tattoo! Probably painted on, but still sort of hot.

Syd, I knew you'd appreciate it. had to be done.

Zuhn, in a word, $$$$$. OK, maybe in a symbol.

Kris, I like brunettes whose father's own liquor stores. To each their own.

Eclectic, I've seen pictures of you in shorts. No one's mistaking you for a guy. No, I just had you pegged as someone who'd request equal time for the straight ladies, (all three of the ones who read here), and ask that I post 20 pictures of hot males. No, I won't and stop asking for my picture.

Comment deleted, great point!! I hadn't though of that.

SassyFemme, I have to agree she should make the Top 20.

LadyK, I'm pretty sure Syd Barrett isn't paying any attention to this blog, wherever he wound up. But by all means, don't let that stop you from firing up another one, you crazy diamond you.

Nick, money well spent.

JDR, no, it's not. If you can drink beer and smoke cigarettes while doing it, it's not a sport.

9:29 AM  
Blogger Cathy said...

Admittedly I don't follow sports of any kind.. especially female sports, but I've never heard of anyone on the list. I think some of them should have been higher up, but I think they didn't make it there because they weren't as scantily clad as the ones who did.

#2 Amanda Beard.. she looks like she could grow one. A beard I mean. :D

10:29 AM  
Blogger JoeinVegas said...

Come to Vegas, everything is a sport. Our definition of sport is if you can place a bet on it it's a sport.
Oh, wait, you can put a bet on anything here, so ignore that definition.
Anyway, poker is a sport, it's got a TV show, right?

12:50 PM  
Blogger Phollower said...

Every year The Spousal Unit and I volunteer for an LPGA event in Springfield, IL. My job is Standard Bearer. I'm one of the people who follows a group of golfers and holds up a big sign with the golfers' names and their current score so spectators can see who's who and how they're doing in the tournament. A couple years ago Natalie Gulbis was in my group. I watched her bend over to pick up her golf ball a lot. Just to be sure there were no rules violations, of course.

Other violations would've been allowed.

1:43 PM  
Blogger Big Pissy said...

I think the Ironman chick~#4?

Is the best looking.

But that's just my opinion... ;-)

7:14 PM  
Blogger Lil Bit said...

ps. Saw this a lil while back and made me think of you. I think they missed quite a few.

12:11 PM  

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